Monday, March 22, 2010

Hello little blog...

It's been so long - my little blog! I am very sorry for neglecting you for all this time!

My only excuse is being pregnant with my second baby (while my first is still actually a baby) and working very very hard at the end of last year.

I did so many photo shoots that I just actually didn't have the time to update the blog and then being behind on 3 photo shoots turned into six and then 12 (and then it became obvious that getting the blog back up to date would be a mission!).

But now my little one has arrived (and life is busier than ever!) - LOL!


I'm starting anew today. And I'm pleased to say that my very first post of this year is of a great friend of mine - Megan. She is pregnant with a little girl - Khloe Rose and we are all so excited to have a stroke of pink in our lives now (all our little ones are boys so far)!

Megs, I hope you enjoyed the shoot!

Loren Stow Photography
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