Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chris, Erica & Abigail

On Sunday I was privileged to be photographing a christening for little Abigail! The care and attention and love for this beautiful baby girl was so apparent in her beautiful dress and the wonderful reception party afterwards! What an amazing spread of exotic foods, cakes, drinks - dotted with pink here and there!

Thank you Chris and Erica for asking me to take pictures - your love for your daughter is amazing and your joy on the day of her Christening was written all over your faces!

On a personal note - Kai is doing so well! He is growing strong and starting to reveal to me his beautiful personality! He really is a blessing that I could not imagine life without (as is any child to a mother...)!

Loren Stow Photography
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Visit My Website for More Info: www.lorenstow.co.za

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! Wow I dont think you realise how talented you are Mrs Stow!!!! Megs