Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leonardo, Nino, Chearn & Tamzyn - Family Shoot

On Saturday I met Nino and her family for a great Family Shoot at Irene Dairy!

I really had fun photographing the children - they are quite a bit older than my usual clients, so it was a whole new experience for me! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thank you Nino for contacting me and trusting me to take pictures of your family! I have uploaded my favourites, and they were really hard to narrow down!!

Loren Stow Photography
tell your story
Visit My Website for More Info: www.lorenstow.co.za


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Stunning! Love the kids holding hands and walking - by far my favorite! These two kids are soooooo cute and soooo gorgeous! Love Tamzyn's smile for the camara! Megs and Keaton

Deqlan said...

aaww Loren as alwats stunning, love the pics! especially with the kids together on the ground - tamzyn to is a very very special warrior ! what a stunning family, they have continued to follow Deqlans journey, cant wait to meet them - you continue to be an amazing story teller! please post pics of leighs wedding to!!!! enjoy it! God Bless love Samm Mark Deqlan