Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farrell Family Shoot

Yes... I've been bad again - but I ALWAYS say that don't I???

My life really is busier than I ever thought it could ever become - just mindblowing some days! But we manage, and my little man is growing bigger and stronger every day - teaching me how to be the best mom.
I have been so busy with photo shoots, but haven't uploaded any of them (for over 3 weeks...). So I thought I would start with the Farrell Family.

The Farrell Family was a delight to photograph! I think their boys are absolutely adorable!!! With a capital A! I hope that I get to see more of them as the years go by!

Loren Stow Photography
tell your story
Visit My Website for More Info: www.lorenstow.co.za


Katherine Farrell said...

Thanks for these lovely photos, they look so good framed and up on the wall. Love the photo shoot you did for my friend as well, so glad I got her that as a gift!

Louise said...

I lovvveeeee the Farrell family too. Katherine is a dear friend of mine and her boys are too cute!!! She told me how good you were and i have to agree... Ill be giving you a call soon.. Louise Magistri